Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away...

Washington and rain -- synonymous, I know.  But, come on.... torrential downpours in late June?  So not cool.

I have been keeping busy to keep my focus on family, not the weather!  Here are the ways I am keeping my focus inside instead of outside:

Keep a candle lit!  I know, the smell is so relaxing!
Trying new recipes:   The Pioneer Woman's Whiskey Peach Chicken was a hit.  I am hearing Chocolate Cheesecake calling -- any advice or good recipes?
Sewing Baby Shower gifts!  Quilts, burp rags, sleep sacks and some hooded towels.  I will post my progress soon!
Researching Home school Curriculum -- a new adventure waiting for us this fall!
A trip to a LEGO Store opening in Lynnwood.  We even helped a Master LEGO builder build an 8-foot tall Yoda out of LEGO bricks.
Purchasing a Seattle Pacific Science Center year pass!  King Tut, here we come!
Trying to create a plan to update my living room -- frequent searches on craigslist, etc.
Purchasing some new summer reading for the kids! 
Playing Settlers of Catan with the family ... don't forget to add on the expansions like this!
I am teaching myself to knit!  Woohoo!

And, of course, the general business that comes with a household of three young kids, a dog, and a husband! :)

"Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalms 118:24

Sometimes when it is raining or I am feeling blue, this Bible verse is a conscious choice I have to make -- it makes all the difference in the world.  Don't waste a day based on bad weather, make the most of it -- there will only be one "today."  I would love to know what you are doing on rainy, summer days!

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